King’s Harbour Master Plymouth
LNTM 061/24
1. This notice is a direction by the King’s Harbour Master (KHM), Plymouth in exercise of powers conferred by the Dockyard Port of Plymouth Order 2020 for the purposes of the proper protection of the Port, HM vessels, dockyards and property. It is the requirement of HM Naval Service to ensure the safe navigation of vessels both naval and civilian, in particular as necessary for the imminent departure of an HM Submarine.
2. The KHM directs that all civil, merchant, commercial and recreational vessel movement is temporarily suspended between the seaward limits of the Dockyard Port of Plymouth and the confluence of the Rivers Tamar and Lynher, (“the reserved area”), between the times specified below:
Saturday 12 October 2024 11:30 – 15:00
3. The date of the temporary suspension is advised by the KHM in the Daily Movements signal and may be announced by general broadcast on VHF Channel 14.
4. During the period of the temporary suspension, vessels already within the reserved area are to remain at their berths and may only move if authorised by the KHM or a representative of the MDP Marine Unit. The Torpoint and Cremyll Ferries will initially continue to run but will be suspended for approximately one hour as directed by KHM to allow HM Submarine to pass safely.
5. KHM directs that entry to or departure from the Cattewater is not permitted during the period that vessel traffic movement is suspended in the reserved area.
6. KHM will not grant permission for diving or swimming in the reserved area on the date and time of the period of temporary suspension.
7. Cancel this PLNTM 12 October 2024.
Wednesday 09 Oct 2024
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