King’s Harbour Master Plymouth
Direction 007/25
- This notice is a General Direction by the King’s Harbour Master (KHM) Plymouth and is issued pursuant to the Dockyard Port of Plymouth Order 2020 and is promulgated by KHM on behalf of the Cattewater Harbour Commissioners.
- Definitions:
Main Channel: The dredged areas of the Cobbler Channel, Cattewater and Oreston Channel to the seaward of Laira Bridge, as depicted on Admiralty charts.
Sutton Channel: That part of the Cattewater north of Fisher’s Nose leading to the entrance to Sutton Harbour and bounded to the east by Queen Anne’s Battery Marina.
Queen Anne’s Battery Marina: The wave screen, pontoons and landward works situated on and off Queen Anne’s Battery, as depicted on Admiralty charts.
- Modifications to and Amplifications of Certain Rules in the Dockyard Port of Plymouth Order 2020:
- Narrow Channels: The whole of the Cattewater comprises a “Narrow Channel” for the purposes of Rule 9 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCS / ColRegs). Within the Cattewater, Rule 9(b) is interpreted to mean that all vessels under 20 metres in length or any sailing vessel shall not impede vessels over 20 metres in length.
- Board sailing may not take place in the merchant ship turning area to the east of a line joining the western end of Sparrows Quay (50° 21.730’N 004° 07.380’W) and the leading lights off the hoist at Plymouth Yacht Haven Marina (50° 21.470’N 004° 07.430’W) or any area further to the east within the Cattewater.
- This Notice shall not in any way affect the powers of the Cattewater Harbour Commissioners in the exercise of powers, duties or discretions exercisable by them in respect of areas falling under their jurisdiction.
Wednesday 01 Jan 2025
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