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KHM Plymouth

PLYM GD 001_25 DPOP 2020 MEZ


King’s Harbour Master Plymouth

Direction 001/25




  1. This notice is a General Direction from the King’s Harbour Master Plymouth (KHM) pursuant to the Dockyard Port of Plymouth Order 2020.
  2. The Dockyard Port of Plymouth Order 2020 includes the provision for KHM to establish a moving exclusion zone (MEZ) via General Direction around specified vessels for the protection of that vessel and to ensure its safe passage.
  3. A MEZ can be established for large tidally constrained warships, auxiliaries and support vessels and all submarine movements within the Dockyard Port. The exclusion zone will extend 250m ahead of and 100m abeam and astern of the vessel.



  4. With the exception of submarines, a vessel to which a MEZ applies shall display:

    a. Between sunrise and sunset, two black diamond shapes vertically disposed.

    b. Between sunset and sunrise, in restricted visibility and at other times when deemed necessary, two all-round flashing red lights at the masthead horizontally disposed. If a vessel is not fitted with these lights, 3 all-round red lights vertically disposed may be displayed in their place.


  5. For a submarine movement the presence of the MEZ will be indicated by the escorting tugs displaying:

    a. A black cylinder by day.

    b. 3 all-round red lights vertically disposed by night or in restricted visibility.


  6. When a MEZ is in effect:

a. The zone must not be entered by any vessel underway with the exception of MoD vessels and vessels supporting the move.

b. Any vessel alongside, at anchor, at a buoy or mooring within the MEZ shall not get underway until the entitled vessel/submarine has passed.

Wednesday 01 Jan 2025

R Giles
King's Harbour Master
Dockyard Port of Plymouth

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