King’s Harbour Master Clyde
LNTM 29/24
1.Mariners are advised that Dive vessel "Glen Moray" will be used as a platform to conduct diving surveys on the structural piles on 7N & 8N beacons.
2.This work will take place between the 18th & 19th December 2024.
3.Please see the below extract from British Admiralty Chart 2000, showing the diving locations.
4. Please see below Dive Vessel "Glen Moray" and support vessel which will be used to conduct the diving work. DIVE VESSEL "GLEN MORAY" DIVE SUPPORT VESSEL 5. Mariners are required to navigate with caution in the vicinity of the diving areas.
6. "Glen Moray" will display the International Code of Signals Alpha Flag indicating "I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed".
7. Further information can be obtained from KHM Clyde Harbour Control on VHF CH 73 and 01436 674321 (Opt. Ext.3555)
8. Next LNTM 30/24.
9. The following KHM Clyde Local Notices to Mariners remain in force at the time of publication: 01/24, 02/24, 04/24, 05/24, 07/24, 08/24, 17/24, 26/24, 29/24
Monday 16 Dec 2024