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KHM Clyde



King’s Harbour Master Clyde

LNTM 03/25


BA Charts 2724, 2221, 2131 

1. Mariners are advised that the power to the Arran Measured Mile Navigation lights has been isolated, due to a failure of the mains power supply cables, these lights are now temporarily discontinued while a phased solution is being worked on to bring the lights back into service. 

2. Please see below the Arran Measured Mile Lights which are affected.


A4338.5 Isle of Arran. Measured Distance. S Transit. Front
A4338.501 Isle of Arran. Measured Distance. S Transit. Middle
A4338.502 Isle of Arran. Measured Distance. S Transit. Rear
A4339. Isle of Arran. Measured Distance. Centre Transit. Front
A4339.001 Isle of Arran. Measured Distance. Centre Transit. Inner F
A4339.002 Isle of Arran. Measured Distance. Centre Transit. Inner R
A4339.003 Isle of Arran. Measured Distance. Centre Transit. Rear
A4340. Isle of Arran. Measured Distance. N Transit. Front
A4340.001 Isle of Arran. Measured Distance. N Transit. Middle
A4340.002 Isle of Arran. Measured Distance. N Transit. Rear


3. Due to the scale of the works the lights will be extinguished for a prolonged period of time, as a result the Arran Measured Mile will only be available as a daytime only range.  

4. A further notice will be published when the lights have been restored returning the Arran Measured Mile to full service.

5. Further information can be obtained from KHM Clyde Harbour Control on 01436 674321 (Opt.1, Ext. 3555).

6. Next LNTM 04/25.

The following KHM Clyde Local Notices to Mariners remain in force at the time of publication: 01/25, 02/25, 03/25, 04/25, 05/25.

Wednesday 01 Jan 2025

Nick Groves
Deputy King's Harbour Master Clyde

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