King’s Harbour Master Clyde
LNTM 22/24
1. Mariners are advised that Loch Long. Mallan No3 Beacon Sector Light in Position 56 07.523N, 004 49.224W is currently not operating to character.
2. Please see the below chart extract :-
3. 3.Mariners are to navigate with caution when operating in this area.
4.Further information will be provided when the light has been restored.
5. Further information can be obtained from KHM Clyde Harbour Control on 01436 674321 (Opt. Ext.3555)
6. Next LNTM 23/24.
7. The following KHM Clyde Local Notices to Mariners remain in force at the time of publication: 01/24, 02/24, 04/24, 05/24, 07/24,17/24, 21/24, 22/24
Thursday 03 Oct 2024