King’s Harbour Master Clyde
Direction 19/25
A: Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011.
1. Mariners are advised that the King’s Harbour Master Clyde has made the following General Direction under the Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011.
2. Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles (ROUVs) may be operated within the Clyde Dockyard Port.
3. Mariners encountering an unmanned vessel are requested to pass at a safe distance and to minimise wash.
4. A Local Notice to Mariners (LNTM) may be issued for any trials outside the above area or those of a particular sensitive nature or requiring specific additional safety measures.
5. Any parties wishing to deploy autonomous vessels within the Clyde Dockyard Port should first seek permission from KHM. Notification should be given to KHM Harbour Control on either VHF Ch73 or by telephone on 01436 674321 (Option 1, Extension 3555 (Out of Hours, Extension 4005).
6. A minimum of 24 hours’ notice should be given to KHM to evaluate the request, and the operators should be ready to make all relevant documentation, such as licences, Risk Assessments and Method Statements, available to KHM upon request.
7. This General Direction will be reviewed by 06 Jan 26.
Wednesday 01 Jan 2025