King’s Harbour Master Clyde
Direction 18/25
A. Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011 (SI No. 1680)
B. Rhu Narrows Byelaws 1992 (SI No. 2410)
C. Faslane, Coulport Byelaws 1986 (as amended 1992)
D. Admiralty Sailing Directions (SW Coast of Scotland) NP66A
1. Mariners are advised that the King’s Harbour Master (KHM) Clyde has made the following General Direction under the Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011.
2. Detailed description of and restrictions governing access through the Rhu Restricted Channel, Faslane and Coulport Restricted and Protected Areas are described at References A to D.
3. The Faslane and Coulport Restricted Areas may be activated from time to time during the movement of naval vessels and/or auxiliaries when it is necessary for said vessels to be turned, moved, berthed or docked within the Dockyard Port. When the Restricted Area is activated, no person shall enter, pass through or remain in the Restricted Area unless authorised by the King’s Harbour Master. Once the naval activity is completed, the Restricted Area will be de-activated and the restriction on access will revert to the boundary of the relevant Protected Areas, which are permanent.
4. Notice that one or more of the above areas is activated will be indicated by the illumination of lights as follows:
Location |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Area indicated |
When area activated |
Area not activated |
HMNB Clyde Harbour Control |
56 03.149N |
004 49.247W |
Faslane Restricted Area |
3 Fixed Red lights |
Lights off |
Rhu Hard (Off Site Centre) |
56 00.766N |
004 46.066W |
Rhu Restricted Channel |
Red light over 2 Greens |
Lights off |
Rosneath Lattice Mast |
55 59.340N |
004 46.090W |
Rhu Restricted Channel |
Red light over 2 Greens |
Lights off |
Barons Point Mast |
55 59.416N |
004 51.180W |
Coulport Restricted Area |
3 Fixed Red lights |
Lights off |
Coulport EHJ Roof |
56 03.974N |
004 52.545W |
Coulport Restricted Area |
3 Fixed Red lights |
Lights off |
5. An AIS message will also be transmitted when the light status changes so that mariners will be aware of the area restrictions, with the exception of the Lights on Coulport EHJ Roof. The flag signal requirements referred to in Ref A (Rule 2(2)(b)) no longer apply. Port Control at Faslane will also make a port broadcast on VHF Ch 73 to alert port users to the change in status.
6. This General Direction will be reviewed by 06 Jan 26.
Wednesday 01 Jan 2025