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KHM Clyde



King’s Harbour Master Clyde

Direction 17/25



A. Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011


B. The Air Navigation Order 2016 (SI No 765) (as amended)


C. Civil Aviation Authority Drone Code 




1.Mariners are advised that the King’s Harbour Master Clyde has made the following General Direction under the Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011. 


Exclusion Zones


2.The Exclusion Zones which apply in respect of submarine and surface vessel moves within the Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long are defined in Reference A schedule 6 paragraphs 3 and 4, respectively. 


3. For safety and security reasons and to provide adequate restrictions on the operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft (as defined in Reference B) in the vicinity of Royal Navy and foreign warships and submarines, the definition of each of the Exclusion Zones set out in Reference A are extended in accordance with paragraph 3(a) below. 


(a) The area of exclusion around a surface vessel or submarine whether underway, alongside, at anchor, or secured to a buoy within the Clyde Dockyard Port is defined as a zone of 250 metres radius surrounding the surface vessel or submarine. This zone shall extend to a height of 250 metres above the surface of the water within the boundaries of the Dockyard Port. 


4.No Small Unmanned Aircraft (drone) shall enter, pass through or remain in the zone described in paragraph 3(a) of this direction without the permission of the KHM.  Any such unauthorised breach of this zone will be regarded as a breach of the Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011. 


Notification Procedure


5. Any parties wishing to operate small unmanned aircraft within the Clyde Dockyard Port should first seek permission from KHM and HMNB Clyde Base Security. Applications should be made on the KHM website, where further information on small unmanned aircraft use within the CDP is also available. Alternatively, notification should be given to KHM Harbour Control on either VHF Ch73 or by telephone on 01436 674321 (Option 1, Extension 3555 (Out of Hours, Extension 4005).


6. A minimum of 24 hours’ notice should be given to the Base to evaluate the request, and the operators should be ready to make available all relevant documentation, such as licences, Risk Assessments and Method Statements, available to the Base upon request.


7. HMNB Clyde reserves the right to impose constraints upon small unmanned aircraft operations within the Clyde Dockyard Port when such events may have a potential impact upon the outputs of the Port. This will be done with the safety of navigation within Port waters as the primary consideration and there is no intention to frustrate or inhibit any legitimate use of the airspace of the Dockyard Port.


8.This General Direction will be reviewed by 06 Jan 26.

Wednesday 01 Jan 2025

Nick Groves
Deputy King's Harbour Master Clyde

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