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KHM Clyde



King’s Harbour Master Clyde

Direction 14/25



A. JSP 482 Edn 4 Ch 26 Annex E Para 1.6

B. BRd 862 Vol 1 Art 0522

C. Glen Mallan Emergency Orders Sec 3.1.2

D. BRd 875 Ch 10




1. Mariners are advised that the King’s Harbour Master Clyde has made the following General Direction under the Clyde Dockyard Port of Gareloch and Loch Long Order 2011.


2. The provision of a safety tug service during ammunitioning at the Glen Mallan Northern Ammunitioning Jetty (NAJ) is covered by the references above; however, some clarification is required to cover the local detail of the arrangements.


The Role


3. The Standby Tug is deployed to Glen Mallan when munitions are being embarked/disembarked or handled onboard, or when explosives are present on the jetty with a ship alongside. The role of the standby tug in this situation is to:


a. Assist with firefighting/boundary cooling in the event of a fire on the ship


Tug Type

FiFi rate






Manual operation




Manual operation




IMPULSE – manual, IMPETUS - remote


b. Assisting the ship to leave the jetty under emergency conditions in the event there is an incident on the jetty where the master of the ship determines that the safety of their ship is at risk by remaining on the jetty. The ship will remain at a state of readiness to move away from the jetty during these operations, this is interpreted as being at the minimum possible sustainable notice for sea throughout the evolution.




4. Reference D calls for a safety towage service to be provided for the above operations but does not stipulate a number of tugs. Custom and practice indicates that under normal circumstances 1 tug is allocated to this task; however, if the circumstances of the situation require (vessel size/ manoeuvring capability/ weather conditions) it may be decided by KHM/Port Operations Manager that a second tug is required. Under emergency conditions, the tug may be directed by the Ship’s CO/Master if an Admiralty Pilot is not available although the tug masters are the SMEs for towage, and they can provide suitable technical advice appropriate to the towing side of the emergency.


5. The normal working day at Glen Mallan is from 0800 to 1630 with work on the vessel starting at 0830 until1600 unless otherwise advised. 


Notice Period


6. The Standby Tug should be at 15 minutes’ notice to assist; unless a second tug is specifically tasked to be deployed to Glen Mallan, a second safety tug would be at 2 hours’ notice.


Tug Positioning


7. The Standby Tug should be in the immediate vicinity but at a safe distance away; being secured alongside the vessel ammunitioning is not an appropriate position given the risk that the tug is provided to mitigate against. The following tug positions are available (in order of preference): -


a. It has been agreed that the Standby Tug may lie at the M1 Buoy owned by Svitzer opposite the Finnart Jetty, unless unavailable


b. The MoD Mooring Buoy D16 in the entrance to Loch Goil is normally available


c. An anchorage position at Morelaggan Point is available


8. Once the ship is berthed at the jetty and the Standby Tug is deployed to the task, there must be a dialogue between the master of the tug and the CO/Master of the ship so that the timeline of the standby task is clear, and any special circumstances are understood by both parties. Once the standby task is completed/ no longer required, the CO/Master should ensure that the tug master is informed and stood down.


9. A VHF listening watch will be maintained throughout the working day by the tug. The tug may be called out by the vessel, the jetty or KHM. Mobile phone coverage in the area is poor and is not considered as a reliable means of communication between Loch Goil and Glen Mallan.


10. In the event of an incident either on the jetty or on the vessel, the tug will proceed to support the incident. When approaching the jetty following a call out, the Tug Master is to assess the situation visually and by any other means to determine where best to place the tug initially to keep clear of danger and provide effective support.


11. This General Direction will be reviewed by 06 Jan 26.


Wednesday 01 Jan 2025

Nick Groves
Deputy King's Harbour Master Clyde

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